A flyer for the Valley Regional Fire Authority's wildfire interphase home project of the week campaign.

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Home Project of the Week Campaign – Week 1

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fires continue to be a growing threat in Western Washington.

What is Wildland Urban Interface? It’s where homes meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland vegetation. Several areas within the VRFA service area meet this definition, and we have seen an increase in brush fires over the past few years. Last year we responded to 186 bark, grass, vegetation, brush, and forest fires. In 2020 that number was 119.
Our firefighters continuously train to be ready when fires happen, but we can’t do it alone. There are steps you can take to protect your home from fire. These steps altogether can seem overwhelming, so we have broken them down into smaller projects you can take on each week. You will be ready for the hotter, drier months ahead if you get started now.

Week 1 Project – DECLUTTER

Move any construction materials, trash, and woodpiles at least 30 feet away from your home and other outbuildings. If they are materials you are not using or don’t need, visit https://kingcounty.gov/…/solid…/garbage-recycling.aspx to find out how to dispose of them properly.