Calling 911

In an emergency, seconds count. An emergency could be a fire or it could be someone in your home who is really sick or hurt and needs to go to the hospital. By completing the 911 Activity Book, you will learn about when to call 911 for help and when not to call.

911 Coloring Activity Book

911 Coloring Book

When calling 911 for an emergency, they will ask you:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your phone number?
  3. What is your address?
  4. What is the emergency?
  5. Always stay on the phone until help arrives.

If you don’t already know your phone number or address, now is a great time to practice remembering both your phone number/address in case you do ever have to call 911 for help.

If you want to learn more about when to call and when not to call 911, complete this activity: Emergency Activity Sheet (calling 911 activity)