Carbon monoxide alarm service.

Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm May Need to be Replaced

Does Your Carbon Monoxide Alarm Need Replaced?

If you installed your carbon monoxide (CO) alarm in 2013 – when it became law to install them in all rental housing units or when a home was sold – it may be time to replace it. CO alarms have a life expectancy of around 7 years.

All CO alarms produced after August 1, 2009 have an end-of-life warning notification that alerts the resident that the alarm should be replaced. The CO alarm will beep every 30 seconds or display ERR or END. If a CO alarm is at its end-of-life, replacing the battery will not stop the beep. Some CO alarms have a feature that will silence the signal for 30 days but this will not solve the issue as the CO alarm will continue to beep after the 30 day period ends.

Property owners and managers should consider replacing all CO alarms that were installed in or before 2013. A CO alarm that signals that it’s at the end of its life should be replaced as well. Renters should be informed to notify their property manager or landlord immediately if their CO alarm is beeping every 30 seconds indicating its end-of-life. They should also be told that intermittent beeping CO alarm is not reason to call 9-1-1.

A CO alarm that beeps continuously without stopping could indicate that carbon monoxide is present. If you your CO alarm is sounding continuously and you have signs of CO poisoning such as dizziness, headache, vomiting or flu like symptoms, find fresh air and call 9-1-1 immediately. For more information on carbon monoxide alarm requirements visit the State Building Code Council’s Carbon Monoxide Alarm page.