My life jacket fits

In your last lesson you learned that wearing a life jacket is an important part of water safety. Your life jacket needs to fit you right for it to keep you safe. Ask a grown-up to help you check to be sure your life jacket fits.

  • Have a grown-up weigh you on a scale then check the label inside the life jacket to see if your weight matches what the life jacket is made to fit.
  • Put your life jacket on, zip and buckle up, then ask a grown-up to tug on the straps to tighten them
  • Ask a grown-up to stand behind you and pull up on the shoulders of the life jacket. If they can pull it up to your ears then ask them to make the straps tighter. If that doesn’t work, you may need a smaller life jacket.

Video: Splish! Splash! Water Safety Song


Wear a lifejacket

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